Business & Marketing

Creating a Clear Communication Framework in the Workplace

Communication is king in every walk of life and it is important as a professional to continue to look at ways in which you can improve how you communicate. The best leaders, and the best professionals who have made a success out of their careers, all know how to speak to people, how to get a message across effectively and clearly, and how to improve a workplace with clear lines of communication.

There are several ways in which you can improve your own personal communication skills, and to look to improve your standards and performance levels in the workplace as a direct result.

Always be aware that every time you open your mouth, the words that come out will have an impact of some sort on those who hear them. When you place this into the context of a work setting, and especially if you are in charge of other people, it becomes an even more important point. If your remit is to inspire others to perform to new levels, think about how you deliver instructions, or how you ask them to give you an update. Choose the correct posture, the correct tone for each setting, and look to push your colleagues and employees to greater heights rather than drag them down with negativity.

Have empathy for those you are talking to. If you have been in their shoes, fantastic, you already know what it feels like to be where they are at this stage of their career. It is important to empathise with others in all walks of life, in order to have a greater understanding of what is possible, and how to overcome barriers. In the workplace this can help you to choose the correct words and the right time, and to not judge others for how they talk or how they listen. There is always a way to work together, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Over time you’ll build relationships with your colleagues and as a manager it is vital that you learn what makes every person tick. For some people there is a need to be hounded at all times, to be probed, asked questions of, and to be directed in the tasks at hand. For other people it is better to leave them to it, and to give them a shoulder to cry on or an ear that will listen to them without judgment. Every person is different and as you develop your personal communication skills you’ll learn how to work well with many different types of people.

Look for professional training providers that can help you improve communication within your company. It is important to have a clear understanding of how to communicate, how to challenge accepted perceptions of communication, and to learn new ways to improve the quality and consistency of performance and standards through better communication. By training your staff to become better communicators you are also helping to improve the future leaders of your company. You can also add training programmes that are specifically aimed at creating new managers, or improving management processes.

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